TOPS Bunker: The Original Prepper Survivalist Podcast

180 Waves of Survival - A Grid-Down Radios Up Guide to SHTF Communications

Keith Otworth & Rhonda Triggs Season 7 Episode 180

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Tonight… We’re talking with Brett Wallace about the importance of radio communications as a Prepper Survivalist. Brett will be talking with us tonight about the importance of Radio Communications not only as a powerful tool for the Modern-Day Prepper Survivalist and Homesteader, but for community preparedness as a whole, during emergency situations.

My Prepper Brothers and Sisters…

As Preppers, we’re told of the importance of stockpiling food, water, and essentials. We talk about bugging in and bugging out, self-defense and self-reliance, prepper pantries, prepper groups, and prepper backpacks to put on our prepper kids and prepper dogs. We talk about everything under the sun when it comes to survival and homesteading and the impending zombie apocalypse that will no doubt, have us all running for our lives and sending lead down range for that perfect undead headshot.

But we never seem to discuss communications. Oh, we dabble in it from time to time, but how many of us actually have a good set of radios and the skills to use them so that we’re not just walking the walk, but talking the talk?

That… all changes this year. Rhonda and I are not HAMS. We’re not Frequency Freaks like Jeremy and Buddy and Brett. We’re just normal preppers who know how to push the little button and say… Breaker-Breaker 1-9, she’s a big’ol flirt.

But, we’re gonna learn a lot more this year, and we’re bringing y’all with us for the ride.

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