TOPS Bunker: The Original Prepper Survivalist Podcast
Formerly known as the OGTX Bunker...
We are now TOPS Bunker. The Original Prepper Survivalist Podcast. By no means are we the actual, original podcast within the preparedness genre, but we really wanted to have a mascot for the show and of course, that had to be the hairy man himself... BIGFOOT. If anyone was to be crowned, The Original Prepper Survivalist, that title should most definitely go to Sasquatch.
As if y'all couldn't tell, we like to keep things light and fun. And in most cases, that includes this show and as well TOPS Bunker Group on Facebook. We get serious when we need to... mad when we have to... but most days we're just kickin around Survivalist and Preparedness ideas and mindsets to help our listeners and ourselves, be the best modern-day Preppers we can be.
Be sure not to miss a single episode of TOPS Bunker - A Podcast for Preppers.
Prepping - Surviving - Living - Thriving
Keith & Rhonda & Jeremy & Buddy
183 Tribal Strength - No Man or Woman is an Island

182 The DGH Show - Special Guest Annette Talks Chickens and Seed Starting Fails

181 Prepper Groups - Say No & Create a MAG instead

180 Waves of Survival - A Grid-Down Radios Up Guide to SHTF Communications

179 Start Your Garden Now - Winter Seed Sowing

178 Stranded In a Winter Storm - Overcoming a Survival Nightmare

177 FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT - Make America Great Again

176 The Dirty Garden Hoes Show - Debut Episode from Rhonda & Missy

175 Battle of Los Angeles - Apocalyptic Wild Fires in California

174 Compost Like a Pro - From Stank to Sustainability

173 New Years Special - Turn Short-Term Wins into Long-Term Readiness in 2025

172 Home Security - Every Preppers Home is His or Hers Castle

171 Drones Over NJ - What the Hell Are They?

170 Last Minute Prepper Gifts XMas - Rhondas Return

169 Fortress or Frontier - The Bug-Out vs Bug-In Dilemma

168 Gear Guide - Get Your Prepper Ass In Gear

167 Practical Winter Preparedness - Winter Is Coming

166 Make America Great Again - Post-Election Round Table

165 An American Election - One for the Ages

164 TOPS Bunker Halloween Special

163 Farm To Table - Build Your Farm One Bucket at a Time

162 Home Defense - Guest Interview with Jay Steagall

161 Reality Check - Preparedness Lessons Learned the Hard Way

160 Fall & Winter Gardening - What To Grow Now

159 Master the Disaster - What Are You Prepping For?